"I learned so much in such a short time, and walked away with some great tips. It definitely helped me tighten my writing and become better!”
Does editing your book’s language seem like something you’d love to do if only you knew how?
It used to feel that way for me. Especially because when I sat down to edit my stories, it always felt like other writers had some magic tool that I didn’t. Can you relate?
If the answer is yes, I want you to know that THE WORK helped me to tighten my writing. It helped my clients and it helped me too. I want the same for you.
I’ve created THE WORK to take the guesswork of fixing up your writing to make it sparkle.
If you’re craving writing that POPS, even when you feel like you’re swimming in the same words over and over, then THE WORK was made for you!
Get it right here and get started today!
I hope you sign up for THE WORK and discover how easy it can be to fix up your first draft.
Language matters.
When you’re deep in the throes of writing, you’ll be using shortcuts. This is normal! I do it too! You don’t want to disturb the momentum of getting the story down, and who can blame you? You’ll use lazy verbs, and filler words, you’ll pick out cliched comparisons, and use your repeat offender words over and over again.
Every character will be standing up or turning to talk to someone or grinning like jackasses. Things will happen a bit, a lot, and a little. And you’ll discover that you have favourite words that you like to repeat repeat. (I binge-read the last two Games of Thrones’s books. I could have made up a drinking bingo card with words like mummers farce and cockslap)
You might even do this if you’re one of those writers who edits as they go. But oftentimes, these writers never finish their manuscript, because the noose of perfection hangs them back. Some authors can spend days mulling over one sentence. But, I’m talking about those of us who want to get to ‘The End’.
Where to start?
Firstly, it’s not about spelling and grammar. Or making sure that you have topic sentences or correct syntax, although these can be helpful. These issues can be addressed with the beady eye of a proofreader at the very end of THE WORK.
THE WORK focuses on:
- Strengthening what’s already there. Those ‘just-for-now’ descriptions can be turned into something stronger, something better, more arresting.
- Deepening your point of view. Without realizing it, you’ve probably author intruded in your own narrative. You can pull these filters out like weeds, pulling your reader closer.
- Cutting the wheat from the chaff. You probably already have a couple of nuggets hidden in a haystack of filler words—you just can’t see them yet.
Although it’s WORK, it’s actually easier…
Than fixing up plot holes.
Because it’s about the language, the focus is on making your writing the best it can be. That means you can use ‘find’ and ‘replace’ in certain cases, to chop your work down by half. We still can’t do that with plot holes…
That’s why I’ve put together THE WORK.
This six-day email course, delivered to your inbox, breaks down the various language aspects you need to be addressing as you sit down to edit.
- Six days of lessons
- Six days of exercises
- Six days to sizzling
Day One: Keep it STRONG
Day Two: The Sixth Sense
Day Three: Action!
Day Four: Shall I compare thee?
Day Five: Swimming in concrete
Day Six: The WORK
ALL in your inbox, for ONLY $25.00
"Quick review of the basics of tightening your manuscript with a super-useful checklist at the end that I'll refer back to every time I sit down to edit. Fun examples and homework to put skills to work."